

  1. Public Safety
  2. Fire
Public Safety

Public Safety

141 N Ross St, STE A

Matthew Jordan

Matthew Jordan

deputy fire chief

The Auburn Fire Department serves the needs of our community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These needs include, but are not limited to: fire suppression, rescue, Emergency Medical Services and ambulance assists, hazardous material incidents, weather related events, and any other emergency where the need for assistance exists.

Auburn Firefighters respond to emergency incidents from six fire stations strategically located throughout the City. Operating out of the six fire stations are: five fire engines (pumpers), two combination ladder/pumper trucks (quints), and one command vehicle.

Auburn Fire Department personnel typically work a 24-hour shift and then are off duty for 48 hours before repeating the work cycle. There are three shifts (“A,” “B” and “C”) and shift change occurs at 7 a.m. daily. Each shift has a minimum daily staffing of 21 personnel.

In addition to responding to both emergency and non-emergency incidents, shift personnel conduct pre-fire planning and fire hydrant maintenance, participate in continuing education and skills training, and conduct public fire prevention education events. Furthermore, they perform apparatus, equipment, and station upkeep.

The Auburn Fire Department is a service-minded organization. In 2022, the Insurance Service Office rated the City of Auburn Fire Department as a 2/2X. This rating is obtained by an assessment of the Department's ability to provide effective fire suppression services. The daily staffing, training, and commitment to maintain effective equipment and apparatus provide the means to offer the best possible service to the citizens of the City of Auburn.


Auburn Fire Station #1
Headquarters Station- 359 E. Magnolia Avenue

Auburn Fire Station #2
1520 Shug Jordan Parkway

Auburn Fire Station #3
685 Ogletree Road

Auburn Fire Station #4
1299 Stoker St.

Auburn Fire Station #5
234 Technology Parkway

Auburn Fire Station #6
1501 West Farmville Road